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Print A3 gold on white. 


This is the Key Code of the Mantra Chattr Chakkr Varti from the band White Sun. 


This mantra creates a vibrational effect that eliminates fear, anxiety, depression and phobia and brings victory.


The song can be played continuously during sleep and helps get rid of nightmares and the heartache of broken relationships. To achieve this: When you go to sleep, lie down and start chanting the mantra. Fall asleep. In the morning,  to get up, chant again for a few minutes. 


This is frequency art and is created in deep meditation. All Key Codes create a very specific energy in the space in which they work. Depending on the mantra or frequency, they have different effects. 

Print A3 - Key Code Mantra Chattr Chattr Varti

Color: White
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